Board & Committees

Executive Committee

Victoria Grasso, President, The Cooper Foundation

Marysz Rames, President-Elect, Wayne State College

Rob Trebilcock, Secretary, Cox Communications

Kristine Hull, Treasurer, Nebraska Appleseed 

Full Board Directory

About NAM Committees 

Executive Committee

Consists of the officers of the Corporation, the immediate past President of the Corporation and the CEO serves as an ex-officio member.  This committee oversees the functions as they relate to the evaluation and supervision of the CEO.  

Finance Committee

Advises the board on all financial matters and review NAM budget, as prepared by staff, and present to the board for approval.  This committee reviews revenue and expense data against the budget on a monthly basis and reviews the annual audit and 990 tax return and recommends action to the board.  

BIPOC Committee

Helps NAM determine internal policies and practices as they relate to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts and to guide NAM’s BIPOC Affinity Group.  The Affinity Group exists to provide opportunities for connection, education, and community building among nonprofit leaders who are Black, Indigenous and People Of Color.  This group also works to build capacity among nonprofits by increasing awareness, educating ourselves & others and motivating action.

Nominating Committee

Supports the board in fulfilling its fiduciary duties to appoint the best-qualified candidates for board service. Reviews board strengths needed skills and recommends future board members.

Nonprofit Executive Institute Leadership Team

Offers nonprofit leaders skills and strategies to enhance organizational sustainability and transform the communities they serve.  This leadership program focuses on capacity building seminars which develop visionary, prosperous, strategic, innovative, ethical, public leaders.  The Leadership Team is responsible for organizing each session and helps with the content for the Nonprofit Summit of the Midlands.  

Public Policy Task Force 

Monitors and recommends action on public policy issues which impact the nonprofit community based upon the policy agenda approved annually by the board. Helps educate policymakers and others about the work and impact of nonprofits; the agenda fits specific policy goals into a consistent broader context.  This committee helps NAM be the collective voice representing nonprofits of all sizes and missions. 

Retirement Plan Committee 

Oversees the administrative, governance, compliance, and investment aspects of the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands’ 403(b) Plan.