Kristine Hull
Administration Sr. Director
Art Zygielbaum
Board President
Audrey Polt
Becky Gould
Catherine Wilson
Chair, Board of Directors
Eric Savaiano
Program Associate
Eric Wickizer
IT Director
Kayleigh Newman
Grants Coordinator
Lisa Holmquist
Executive Assistant
Michael Berry
Board Member
Nic Swiercek
Development Director
Rachel Gehringer-Wiar
Sarah Helvey
Terrell McKinney
Hunger Action Advocate
Timothy Cuddigan
Board member
Trisha Thompson
Vanessa Martinez
Organizing Manager, Immigrants & Communities

Our Annual Budget is
$1,000,000 to $4,999,999
This is how many employees we have:
This is how many board members we have
Are you a NAM Employee Assistance Program participant?
Best Practice Partnership date achieved
Have we completed the Guidelines & Principles?
This is our Guidestar link:
Our NTEE Code is
R20 - Civil Rights