50 Mile March
Walking is a commitment of time to train, and to fundraise for a cause that
Event Details
Apply to walk: https://www.50milemarch.org/applytowalk
For safety reasons, becoming a Walker for the 50 Mile March requires an application process. It is an extremely physically and mentally demanding endeavor. A limited number of Walkers will be allowed, as determined by the Organizers, and we will only select those who are committed to finishing the 50 miles in its entirety, as this is not a relay and or an opportunity to only walk a portion. There is no shame in choosing not to walk, and instead choosing to donate and be a cheerleader for the crew. Having a large community support system in place, both on social media and at the finish line, makes a world of a difference! Walking is a commitment of time to train, and to fundraise for a cause that you believe in.