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Mastering Policy and Advocacy Communication: Tips and Case Studies (Partner, Virtual)

Thursday, September 5, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (CDT)

Online Training

Event Details

Mastering Policy and Advocacy Communication: Tips and Case Studies

Join us for a conversation to uncover the art of mastering your policy communication game, and discover how to elevate your advocacy by creating a strategic communications plan. Dealing with complex, often contentious public policy issues and developing policy communication plans that navigated the complexity with clarity and authenticity and Help advance legislative and policy startegy (community engagement, direct lobbying and local media outreach) . Communications leads are both more likely to define their success as riding on a combination of programmatic, advocacy, community engagement, and fundraising goals. Communications directors are often tasked with acquiring and retaining not just donors, but program participants, advocates, and volunteers. They must also build influence with elected officials, the media and other community power brokers. To serve the missions of their nonprofits, most communications/marketing directors have multiple goals, of which fundraising is just one.

In the midst of information overload, policy and advocacy communication is unlikely to reach citizens effectively. While many organizations and companies reach people with eye-catching headlines, Tick Tocks and flashy advertisements, policy and advocacy communicators cannot keep reach them them with their traditional lengthy press releases focused on facts and data. This type of information can quickly lose the interest of the people.

Even if government communication reaches the public, it may fall short in effectively persuading them to participate in the advocacy campaign. The goal of policy communication can be thought of as informing citizens of the existence of a policy and persuading them to participate in and/or comply with the policy requirements. If indeed people are emotionally-driven and “shallower” in the new environment, they are less likely to be persuaded by the traditional ways of communication, and the rate of policy participation or compliance may decline in the new information environment.

This presentation with equip you with tips and case studies from areas like Human Rights, Poverty Relief to build a robust approach to creating policy and advocacy communications campaigns."

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn about the changing dynamics of policy communication.
  • Discover practical tips for crafting strategic policy communications plans.
  • Build compelling narratives that resonate and inspire action.

This workshop will be presented by Carmen Boon, VP of Public Affairs at the Food Bank for NYC.

NAM members can use the promo code "MIDLANDS" to get $10 off the non-member pricing.

Thank you to our partners, with Nonprofit New York for this webinar

Nonprofit New York - Idealist