Mary Jo Pankoke Executive Director
Casey Druecker Development Associate
Cassy Blakely
Catherine Humphries Brown Associate Vice President, Research and Evaluation
Connie Duncan
Emily Larsen Central Access Navigator
Heather Buttaro Community & Family Partnership Coordinator
Jason Feldhaus Assistant Vice President of Project Everlast
Jennifer Skala Senior Vice President
Jennifer Thielen VP Strategic Partnerships
Keenan Page Director of Opportunity Passport
Kevin Cloonan Chief Financial Officer
Laura Cady Early Literacy Specialist
Leonor Fuhrer Vice-Chair
Lindsay Bartlett Assistant Vice President Early Childhood
Mariana Munoz de Schell AVP of Cultural & Linguistic Response
Marti Beard Assoc VP
Mary Pinker VP, Community Response
Phil Burell Director of Central Access
Rachel Vaca-Lubischer Director of Data Management and Visualization
Rebecca Armstrong Langle Vice President of Development
Roger Garcia VP
Ronda Newman Associate Vice President
Sara Riffel Associate Vice President Connected Youth Initiativ
Sarah Corey Program Communications Manager
Wendi Schulz Office Manager
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Our Annual Budget is
Over $25,000,000
This is how many employees we have:
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Our NTEE Code is
T70 - Federated Giving Programs