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NAM BIPOC Lunch & Learn

NAM BIPOC Lunch & Learn

Session led by Shaun Ilahi, VP Finance & Operations

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (CDT)

Event Details

For the month of July the NAM BIPOC Group will meet at the Kiewit Luminarium 345 Riverfront Dr, Omaha, NE 68102 

NAM will be hosting a a variety of opportunities – virtual roundtables, coffee connections, happy hours, and lunch & learns. These opportunities are facilitated by Sarena Dacus.

This networking group offers you the chance for BIPOC individuals who are connected to nonprofit work. There will be a mix of skill levels present. Topics change monthly.

Please note: This is an opportunity for BIPOC individuals.

To be added to the NAM BIPOC Group or to receive more information please reach out to email

Session will be lead by Shaun Ilahi who will give an overview of the Luminarium and the programing that is offered over lunch. After lunch the group will be able to visit and explore the current exhibits.